Dimensional and Engineering Data on Shaffer Hydraulic Cellar Control Gates

Shaffer Hydraulic Cellar Control Gates


Nominal Gate SizeA.P.I. SeriesVertical BoreWorking Pressure p.s.i.Test Pressure p.s.i.Approx. Weight Lbs.Ram SizeHeight (A)Width (B)Length (C)Center to Rear (D)Center to Front (E)Doors to Change Rams (F)Closing RatioOpening RatioU.S. Gals.
Fluid to Close RamsFluid to Open Rams
7″6″-9007 1/16″3,0006,0005,750C.S.O. Thru 5″ O.D.25″28 5/8″70 3/4″13 1/2″15 1/8″27″6 to 11.67 to 12.452.1
7″6″-15007 1/16″5,00010,0007,050C.S.O. Thru 5″ O.D.26 1/2″31 1/2″70 3/4″14 1/4″17 1/4″28″6 to 11.55 to 12.452.1
9″8″-9009″3,0006,0006,200C.S.O. Thru 7″ O.D.25 1/4″31 5/8″71″15 1/4″16 3/8″27 5/8″6 to 11.44 to 12.752.3
9″8″-15009″5,00010,0007,500C.S.O. Thru 7″ O.D.27 1/2″35 1/4″72″16 1/2″18 1/2″29 1/8″6 to 11.34 to 12.752.3
10 3/4″10″-90011″3,0006,0007,900C.S.O. Thru 8 5/8″ O.D.27 1/2″34 1/4″79″16 1/2″17 3/4″32 7/8″6 to 11.24 to 13.252.7
10 3/4″10″-150011″5,00010,00010,150C.S.O. Thru 8 5/8″ O.D.30 1/2″37 5/8″81 1/4″17 5/8″20″33 5/8″6 to 11.15 to 13.252.7
13 3/8″12″-90013 5/8″3,0006,00012,350C.S.O. Thru 10 3/4″ O.D.30″40″88 1/2″18 1/2″21 1/2″38″6 to 11.05 to 13.552.9
13 3/8″12″-150013 5/8″5,00010,00015,200C.S.O. Thru 10 3/4″ O.D.36 1/4″40 1/2″88 1/2″18 3/4″21 3/4″38″6 to 10.85 to 13.552.9

Instructions For Ordering: When ordering Shaffer Hydraulic Cellar Control Gates specify size and A.P.I. rating. In ordering parts, give the serial number of the gate and be sure to specify that the parts are for a “Hydraulic” Gate.

If flanges are ordered state size, weight and thread (number and form) of casing and the A.P.I. flange specifications.

Rams can be furnished for any size Hydraulic Gate to pack off around practically any size drill pipe, casing or tubing that will pass through the bore of the gate. Give outside diameter of pipe on which rams are to be used.

When ordering parts for export and wildcat drilling in remote districts we recommend that an ample supply of extra sets of ram rubbers be ordered. Also, it is advisable to have extra sets of ram blocks with rubbers for the different strings of drill pipe, casing and tubing that will be run. The ram blocks and ram rubbers are the same and are interchangeable for both the hydraulic and mechanical Shaffer Control Gates but the ram block holders are different and cannot be used in both gates. Aside from ram blocks and rubbers, no additional parts will be necessary for a period of one to three years under normal operating conditions.