English/Metric Conversion Factors
Inches (in) to millimetres (mm) multiply inches by 25.40.
Millimetres (mm) to inches (in) multiply (mm) by 0.03937.
Square inches (sq in) to square centimetres (cm²) multiply sq in by 6.452.
Square centimetres (cm²) to square inches (sq in) multiply cm² by 0.1550.
Pounds per foot (lbs/ft) to kilograms per metre (kg/m) multiply (lbs/ft) by 1.488.
Kilograms per metre (kg/m) to pounds per foot (lbs/ft) multiply (kg/m) by 0.671.
Pounds (lbs) to kilograms (kg) multiply (lbs) by 0.4536.
Kilograms (kg) to pounds (lbs) multiply (kg) by 2.2046.
Pounds (lbs) to decanewton (dan) multiply (lbs) by 0.444822.
Foot-pounds (ft-lbs) to kilogram-metres (kgm) multiply (ft-lbs) by 0.138.
Kilogram-metre (kgm) to foot-pounds (ft-lbs) multiply (kgm) by 7.23.
Foot-pounds to Newton metre (Nm) multiply (ft-lbs) by 1.355818.
Pounds per square inch (lbs/sq in) to kilograms per square centimetre (kg/cm²) multiply (lbs/sq in) by 0.0703.
Kilograms per square centimetre (kg/cm²) to pounds per square inch (lbs/sq in) multiply (kg/cm²) by 14.22.
1 Inch = 254 cm 1 Ounce Fl = 28.4 Ml 1 Ounce Wt = 28.3 Gr
1 Inch = 25.4 mm 1 Pint Fl = 0.0057 L 1 Pound Wt = 0.45 KG
1 Foot = 0.03 m 1 Mile = 1.6 Km 1 Gallon Fl = 4.50 L