English/Metric Conversion Factors



Inches (in) to millimetres (mm) multiply inches by 25.40.
Millimetres (mm) to inches (in) multiply (mm) by 0.03937.

Critical Section Area

Square inches (sq in) to square centimetres (cm²) multiply sq in by 6.452.
Square centimetres (cm²) to square inches (sq in) multiply cm² by 0.1550.

Nominal Weight

Pounds per foot (lbs/ft) to kilograms per metre (kg/m) multiply (lbs/ft) by 1.488.
Kilograms per metre (kg/m) to pounds per foot (lbs/ft) multiply (kg/m) by 0.671.

Weight/Tension Load

Pounds (lbs) to kilograms (kg) multiply (lbs) by 0.4536.
Kilograms (kg) to pounds (lbs) multiply (kg) by 2.2046.


Pounds (lbs) to decanewton (dan) multiply (lbs) by 0.444822.

Makeup Torque

Foot-pounds (ft-lbs) to kilogram-metres (kgm) multiply (ft-lbs) by 0.138.
Kilogram-metre (kgm) to foot-pounds (ft-lbs) multiply (kgm) by 7.23.
Foot-pounds to Newton metre (Nm) multiply (ft-lbs) by 1.355818.

Pressure Ratings

Pounds per square inch (lbs/sq in) to kilograms per square centimetre (kg/cm²) multiply (lbs/sq in) by 0.0703.
Kilograms per square centimetre (kg/cm²) to pounds per square inch (lbs/sq in) multiply (kg/cm²) by 14.22.

1 Inch = 254 cm     1 Ounce Fl = 28.4 Ml    1 Ounce Wt = 28.3 Gr
1 Inch = 25.4 mm   1 Pint Fl = 0.0057 L     1 Pound Wt = 0.45 KG
1 Foot = 0.03 m      1 Mile = 1.6 Km           1 Gallon Fl = 4.50 L